Wednesday, March 18, 2015

March trip 2015 - Day 2

     Following a visit to the community buildings AWAKENHAITI built and a quick meeting with Pastor Nathan, we joined the team for clinic.  There were of course patients already there waiting to be seen by a doctor.  As I made my way through the waiting area, a baby caught my eye.  My second time through, I noticed why this particular baby stood out to me over the other 20 or so; he was severely mal-nourished.  As I continued on running a few errands, I saw a nurse had taken he and the caregiver and was trying to get the baby’s weight.  When he made it to the exam room with the pediatrician, I couldn’t stay away. 
     When I asked God to break my heart for the things that break His, I didn’t picture this.  A precious baby boy (I’m calling him Samuel) thought to be about 6 months old weighing a whopping 3 lbs. abandoned on his aunt’s doorstep just the night before. 
     The pediatrician finished her exam and I followed Samuel and his aunt to wait to be seen by Derek, the cardiologist on the team.  He did an ultrasound of his heart to see if there were any problems there, thankfully, his heart is healthy.  While they were waiting though, I asked his aunt if I could hold him and pray for him.  She of course agreed.  I prayed for the pain and discomfort to be taken from him.  I didn’t pray for his life, I couldn’t bear to think what his life would be like if it would be anything like his first 6 months, I prayed for his spirit to have peace.  If God brings this little boy back to life, I would love to see how God would use him some day. 
     Dr. Bordes saw Samuel next.  I was so impressed with his care in working through the story with Samuel’s aunt.  I asked the to help a bit financially so the aunt could get Samuel to the hospital for ongoing treatment.  She had nothing herself and nothing to provide care for him.  It’s all we could do for him.  We release him into Jesus’ hands.
     Home visits can be very intimidating but they always leave me feeling so blessed.  I had three to make today.
     Our first visit was with Nadege.  She looks so good, but she is still experiencing a lot of trouble with her legs and walking.  She smiles anyway, laughs through it and asks for prayer to be able to walk well again.  She was sure if I prayed for her, she would be walking like new the next time I come to visit.  Her faith challenges and grows mine.
     I was amazed to see how Jenny and Ricardo are growing up.  Jenny is almost 7 and Ricardo is now 19, a man.  He takes good care of his mom while John is working in the states to earn enough money to get his family in a better place.  
     Our next stop was at Suzette’s house to see her daughters.  Only one of her daughters was there, she says they have been waiting and asking for a visit.  All of Suzette’s grandchildren were there playing.  It was a special time to share with all of them together even though they are young.  I will share their grandmother’s story with them someday so they will know her faith.  Suzna is the oldest, she already knows, she was there watching from a distance.  My prayer for Suzette’s family is that they come to know the faith she had and make it theirs.
     Our final visit was with Emilie.  Her faith is stronger now.  She looks me in the eye now and smiles.  Before she really began to know God, she welcomed prayer, my visits and questions but couldn’t look into my eyes and never smiled.  She takes her children to church now without her husband.  He doesn’t share her faith and doesn’t have work.  Life is very difficult for them because they are still some of the poorest people in the area.   My prayer for this family is for stronger faith.  When I shared that with Emilie, she responded by saying this is what she wanted prayer for.  I wonder how often we pray that God would strengthen our faith.  Especially when there are so many other things to ask for. 

Words can’t describe the blessings this day brought.  The Haitian people will never understand what we receive from them.  


Trying to get Samuel to drink some formula

Samuel - about 6 months old

Derek, the cardiologist explaining what is being seen in the heart to the pediatrician

Little Jenny isn't so little anymore!

My friend, Nadege and Jenny

Suzette's grandchildren!

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