Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Giving Tuesday

Hall Project backpacks

*Purchase a backpack for a child in the Hall Project (47 needed). We ask that all backpacks be a 15" JanSport with leather bottom like this one HERE. Color is up to you! You can have them shipped to yourself and hand deliver them to me or you can have them shipped directly to us (email ah.childsponsors@gmail.com for address). We would love it if you and your family would include a note, pictures drawn by your kids, and/or a prayer/scripture for the child who will receive the backpack!

*You can read more about the Hall Project HERE a new update will be posted soon!

Hygiene items for Good Sam and the Hall Project can be collected and delivered to us on December 20th @Life House Church 1534 Terrace Ave Carlisle, PA 8:30am-11:00am (Please look for signs outside the building)

Hygiene Kits can include:

Reusable grocery bag (or drawstring bag)
Full Size bar soap
Full size toothpaste
wash cloth
hand towel
bath towel
skin lotion
feminine pads (no tampons please)
hand sanitizer
face masks
lip balm
*please place liquid items in a Ziploc bag

Thank you so much for providing basic needs for children so that through this effort, God's love can be shared!

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Ministry Update

I was able to travel to Haiti for a few days this month.  With so much unrest over the last 18 months, it has been difficult to get there.  We appreciate your prayers!  It was an amazing few days filled with visiting Max and Margareth, the Good Samaritan kids & transition students and for the first time, being part of the Welcome Hall Project! This time together is so valuable as we continue to support Max and Margareth in their ministry and as we vision plan for the future! ~Deb

Thank you to those who gave at Christmas time toward the furniture for the homes!  Both homes are set up with outdoor furniture that will last them a long time.  It may look strange to you to see this in living rooms, but with the atmosphere in Haiti and the many children that will utilize them, they are very practical and will withstand all that will come their way!  Thank you for giving!

Thank you to those who gave toward the Welcome Hall Project (a Good Samaritan Outreach)!  We were able to be in Haiti for a day of this program serving disadvantaged kids and their families in the neighborhood surrounding the girls home.  This program has begun to meet physical needs while sharing God's love with 47 children in 23 families.  As it develops with more sponsorship, this program will educate parents and equip them with business skills and opportunities in order to empower them to better care for their families so that they can stay together. Thank you!

Thank you to those who also gave special gifts toward bikes and a basketball hoop for the kids!  They are so excited to have these as they take breaks from their studying and chores! Thank you!

Thursday, January 2, 2020

2019 Year End Newsletter

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Now that the busiest time of year has passed, we hope you are able to take a few minutes to catch up on what the ministry has been up to! We hope you are able to experience all there is to celebrate!
May 2020 be filled with more of God's grace!