Saturday, October 1, 2016

Thy Will

As you all know, Gerritt and Julie VanWagenen have been part of our team for a year now.  They have worked diligently to research, learn, hear AWAKENHAITI’s vision and further develop our transition program.  They have prayed and listened have spent time vision planning for the next few years.  They have walked alongside our students and have loved them, encouraged them, and challenged them to seek the dream God has for them.  We are amazed at the way God has meshed them into AWAKENHAITI over the past year. 

In July, Gerritt went to see an orthopedic surgeon following three months of hip pain.  It was discovered that he had a significant mass in his hip and it was recommended that he return to the US for further evaluation and treatment.  In August, a biopsy and CT scan confirmed that the mass was malignant and also showed there was cancer in his liver and lungs.  By the beginning of September, doctors determined the cancer originated in his colon.  They immediately began attacking the cancer with a very intensive chemotherapy treatment plan every other week.
Gerritt went through his second round of treatment last week.

The following is a note from Gerritt and Julie we received yesterday:

There is a song – Thy Will that has been shared a few times since the middle of July.  Gerritt and I listened to it together yesterday.  This prayer in song is for all of us.  Take a listen.  Really listen from your heart.   click here: THY WILL
Last Saturday night, we went to the hospital where Gerritt has been receiving chemotherapy.  After a series of tests/scans, he was diagnosed with a bowel obstruction and was transferred by ambulance to Froedert in Milwaukee.  Tests, scans, more tests, more scans.  He has been diagnosed with a perforated bowel.  Due to the cancer, the G.I. and Oncology Doctors have been working closely together to evaluate all options.  Surgery would be a very high risk for someone in Gerritt’s condition.  To add to this diagnosis, the CT scans have confirmed the cancer is growing, not shrinking with the chemotherapy.  Gerritt has decided not to pursue surgery option.  There was a lot of dialogue and questions, the biggest in my mind is what Gerritt asked:  “What about hospice?”
That is what will happen next.  He is at peace.  I am amazingly too, though not one of us are shy with tears.  He is being kept very comfortable, just so you know.  God is here.  God is a good God – he is strong and mighty and promises so much grace and mercy.  Trusting and believing
In HIS love,
Julie and Gerritt

This is certainly not what any of us were hoping for.  We trust God even though we don’t understand.  We ask you to join us in praying for Gerritt and Julie and their family.  We know God is walking this journey with them and will surround them with HIS perfect love and peace.

1 comment:

  1. Gerrit and Julie you are in our prayers here at home. Gods strength and wisdom May the faith they have in you shine down to everyone and show how great you are even in the darkest of times
