Thursday, April 2, 2015

AWAKENHAITI 2015 trips

We would love to have you experience a trip to Haiti with us in 2015!

July 8-15, 2015 - We are currently planning a trip that will entail medical & dental work, maintenance/light construction on the Good Samaritan Homes, and Good Samaritan visitation and a fun day.  We would love to take any combination of the following:  2 doctors, 2-3 nurses, a dentist, dental hygienist, sponsors and a few willing hands to support, pray with people, spend time with our kids.

AWAKENHAITI will also be planning a trip for the fall, either October or November.  This trip would have a similar itinerary with the exception of the fun day for Good Samaritan.  
If you are interested in the summer trip, please email for more information before April 16.  

If you are interested in the fall trip please email before April 30.

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